Tag Archives: Xbox Reveal

The Rantin’ & Ravin’ Show 5-28-2013

The Rantin’ & Ravin’ Show 5-28-2013

I was just on the Rantin’ & Ravin’ Show discussing the Xbox One Reveal!

The Rantin’ & Ravin’ Show is the live internet radio show for the Sports Rants website. Typically, the show is dedicated to Sports talk, but this week the host decided to have me on to discuss the console and how it will impact sports fans. I touched on the integration of the console with your live TV and sports, the NFL agreement, and tracking your fantasy team. Unfortunately, it was a short segment so there was NO WAY we could cover everything. But to catch up on what all went down, here’s my write up and here’s IGN’s console comparison.

Here’s to hoping for several more appearances!

Xbox One: An Aftermath Recap

UPDATE: Xbox One Pulled a 180

Back on May 21, 2013 Microsoft revealed their next-gen gaming console in the first of a two part reveal. This is to be the gaming console to replace their current product, the Xbox 360. After much speculation and many unconfirmed rumors, it was revealed that the new system was to be named “Xbox One“. And with that, the official reveal had begun.  Continue reading Xbox One: An Aftermath Recap