All posts by Hyp3rSint4x

Self-Declared Geek Ambassador, Philanthropist, Aging Punk Rocker with a weakness for Red Meat.

Watch_Dogs Review: Digital Trips and Disposable Characters

While I would have preferred to utilize my typical format of “Initial Response”, “Progress Review”, and “Final Conclusions”, recent grad classes had gotten in the way of my usual flow.

Pffft! School!? Bah!

So here I am, a bit late to the game with my all encompassing review of the Digital Anarchy that is Watch_Dogs. #EverythingIsConnected

WARNING: This post is going to be long! Continue reading Watch_Dogs Review: Digital Trips and Disposable Characters

Thief Completed!

Awhile ago, I had posted a progress post regarding the latest iteration of the Thief game. Since I have had to put myself on a bit of a sabbatical, I have finally completed several things; namely Grad School and Thief! Since I had covered the majority of the mechanics in the previous post, I’ll continue this one with general flow and final conclusions for the game.

Continue reading Thief Completed!

Time to say goodbye…for now

Unfortunately, I’m going to have to concede that I simply do not have the time to post regularly for the time being. I’ve been struggling to maintain a normal life complete with my full-time job, my new wife, keeping the house in order, and all the other auxiliary aspects that make life what it is, and that is beautiful. On top of all this, I have also been taking classes towards an MBA Certificate at a local college. While i have been able to maintain posting, and prerequisite gaming to post about, during this time, I am no longer able to do so since I have opted to take on the final two courses concurrently, as they are only offered during the summer trimester. Should I have only taken one of the courses, I would have been forced to wait an entire year until the remaining course is offered again. While Gaming and Game writing is AWESOME, my personal career has waited far too long to begin with.

So I must leave you all, at least for about 2 months until the courses have completed. With this departure, I leave you with the above video which I admit may be a bit out of character, especially for those of you who know me personally 🙂 And yet, you should find it quite fitting at the same time. I have recently become a proponent of promoting Video Games as Art. You can see it all design aspects, from environment design, dialogue writing, and theme music composing. Last November I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a “Video Games Live” concert, which I HIGHLY suggest everyone in my readership attend as well! By hearing the music performed in such a way along side the visuals of each respective game was absolutely stunning and solidified my stance of the maturation of gaming as a medium of entertainment and art. Maybe this time away will allow me to refocus my blogging efforts from Gaming News to Gaming Commentary with a focus on Social Impact and the Arts. We shall see!

So yes, friends, it is time for me to say goodbye. But just for now, and I promise to be back as soon as I can!

Until then, #RespectTheGame !

Xbox One is coming to China, and it is bigger news than you may expect!

From: Business Insider


Today it was announced that Xbox One will be the first console to be LEGALLY sold in the newly ban-lifted Chinese market. Since this console ban has been lifted, there has been plenty of buzz about what the new market would have to offer to the gaming industry. Below is the announcement vid from Microsoft:

So we can go on and make predictions and speculation based on gaming trends, the local culture, and projected sales, but here’s a point I’m willing to be some people are neglecting:

Project Economic Growth of China as compared to USA

China is poised to be the largest economy in the WORLD by the end of the year. Yes, THE WORLD. This means, that at the same time that the Dragon over takes the Eagle, the Xbox One will be newly introduced to a population of about 1.35 Billion.

Obviously, Sony will make their way in to the market later, but the idea remains: what will become the future of gaming on the global field? What kind of economic sway will gaming companies suddenly have access to when their products become available to a MASSIVE and financially capable population?

These answers and more, I certainly don’t have an answer to!

C3 WiR(e) has a new home!

C3 WiR(e) has a new home!

As I stated on my twitter, I have officially moved my C3 WiR(e) weekly gaming news update to There, it will recieve all the love from an established sporting community and a bit of air time on the Anthony DiMoro show!

If anyone else reading this is interested in blogging on Sports Rants as well, we could use some more activity in the Gaming section, and of course any form of sports you could follow!

Thief is a DARK game!


Thief is a dark game. And by that I mean DARK! Like, perpetual night, everything is damp, the colors are cold, and even the fires and torches seem to give only partial respite from dreary, tired…blah! I’ve played games that have been dark before, but nothing like this. Typically in games that I play, it will be that one “dark” or “gothic” level or dungeon. For the most part, the designers try to make the most visually appealing landscape possible, with lush colors and vibrant themes that bring the player’s senses alive. They maintain this method pretty well, and then create a that one “dark” stronghold or sequence to give the game’s environment some contrast. Thief is the absolute opposite. Here, EVERYTHING is dark. EVERYTHING is damp. With the fires around the city, I feel that if I were to stand beside one, I would be able to warm my hands but I wouldn’t get enough warmth to dry my coat, and my boots and back would remain cold and soggy. Continue reading Thief is a DARK game!

C3 WiR(e) – 2014-03-24

Ranters! It is the week of March 24th, 2014. For Sports Rants Gaming, I am Anthony Rossi from the Coffee and Cornchips gaming blog with the C3 WiR(e), a week in review recap of the gaming world. This week’s headlines include:

  • Arcade classic Gauntlet is set to make a return
  • The Diablo 3 Auction house is officially CLOSED
  • A friendly train ride in Wolfenstien goes horribly wrong
  • And we’ve BIG news on the Assassin’s Creed front!

Let the Gaming News Begin! Continue reading C3 WiR(e) – 2014-03-24

C3 WiR(e) – 2014-03-10

Ranters! It is the week of March 10th, 2014. For Sports Rants Gaming, I am Anthony Rossi from the Coffee and Cornchips gaming blog with the C3 WiR(e), a week in review recap of the gaming world. This week’s headlines include:

  • Murdered Soul Suspect gets a release date
  • Valve to release a Portal board game
  • New trailer for Child of Light
  • Layoffs and departures abound in the gaming industry
  • News for Tales from the Borderlands
  • I’ve got some general impressions of the new 300 movie
  • And Watch_Dogs comes out of hibernation!

Let the Gaming News Begin! Continue reading C3 WiR(e) – 2014-03-10

TAO of Watch_Dogs Story Trailer

*Updated with new information found in the “Character Trailer” – 05/13/14

Unless you’ve completely disconnected from the web recently, you probably know that Watch_Dogs has a release date and a new trailer that explains the storyline. This trailer has all sorts of awesomeness embedded in it, including a new enemy (frienemy by the end?) and a few explanations for the relationships that Aiden has with his friends. Lots of stuff to pick apart, so let’s get to it!

Continue reading TAO of Watch_Dogs Story Trailer